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In God's Hands

Being covered by God’s grace since before she was born, journey with Nicole Dalton as she gives her testimonies about the numerous times God saved her life. Allow yourself to be encouraged by each testimony and add more grace to your own life. ***Audio version available now!***

Childhood issues, unhealthy relationships, and an ugly divorce engulfed the life of Nicole Dalton. However, she overcame, conquered, and survived it all with the power of God. Encourage yourself thru her many stories in this book and allow the power of God to strengthen you. ***Audio version available now***

looking in from the outside

Having conversations with family about their lives after you pass away can be difficult. Instead of avoiding the conflicting topic, investigate the research and experience Nicole Dalton placed in this book to encourage yourself and your family. You have the power to create wealth for your loved ones before you die, so it’s time to begin planning now.

links to our legacy: life after death

Taking the time out to capture the presence of God. The creator and his mighty hands. Capturing the moment. All photos have been taken by the author from traveling around the world.




No matter the issues you face, they are only temporary. God is a permanent solution to a short-term problem, so this too shall pass! Out now, so shop for your copy today! 

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When God calls you to a higher purpose. He first has to train you before releasing you to do HIS ministry in the world. Here is a little guide to help you along the way. Stay encouraged and know that you are not alone and know that God loves you for saying Yes to the call and Yes to HIS will. May this book bless you.

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